Our latest collection of games
Can you see the Truth?
A Game of Perception & Persuasion
Best of all, know people better!
3:00 PM (GMT+8)
How well do you really know the people around you?
In this game of perception and persuasion, interrogate the Fox to expose its true sentiment about a topic.
Then, place bets or take strategic actions, based on how well you *think* you know the Fox.
If you're right, you earn points.
The player with the most points deservedly wins, for perceiving and persuading better than anyone else!
Players: 2-5
Duration: ~0.5-1hr
Ages: 10+
What players say
"One word about Truthy? Perspective. I definitely learnt to see things in another POV."
"How humbling! I thought I was good at reading people. It's not as easy as I thought. Requires strong awareness and empathy skills besides logical induction."
“With colleagues or even new friends, it's tough to go beyond weather or work talk, so it's a good "icebreaker" to get to know them better!”
“You have to ask good questions to figure out what they really think, beyond what was said or shown on the surface – which is very realistic & practical actually!"
"I enjoy deep, meaningful conversations, but I find it tough to know what to say. Love that the game helps with that!"
“I've known my wife since we were in high school. Just got married. Never knew that her thoughts about parenthood had changed!"
“Useful. I'm currently dating someone, so we get to talk about important topics like “Having Kids” early on.”